Masterplan updates

Green infrastructure strategy

  • The Green Infrastructure Strategy we have developed has received a lot of positive feedback. It brings ‘fingers’ of multi-purpose green spaces into the development, in the same locations that currently accommodate overland water flows which are caused by rain falling on the site during extreme storm events. This will also serve to provide green areas within the development and provide biodiversity gains across the site.
  • The surface water drainage strategy will mimic the existing situation while considering the future effect of climate change, discharging run-off into the network of watercourses through the site at rates restricted to the greenfield (pre-development) run-off rates for each drainage catchment. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) will be incorporated throughout the development and will be to maximise ecological and amenity benefits.
  • Our illustrative masterplan follows the principles of ‘Building with Nature’ and the outline planning application we submit to Cherwell District Council will seek Building with Nature accreditation which will serve as a certification of the landscape design. It will also aim for up to 20 per cent net biodiversity gain from the baseline biodiversity of the existing site. The policy requirement is for 10 per cent net biodiversity gain.
  • Our proposals include for a number of allotments / community gardens (shared spaces for the community to garden or cultivate) throughout the development area and on the eastern green edge (the ‘Green Infrastructure corridor’). These will comprise a mix of community gardens (e.g. raised beds for flowers, herbs and other plants), allotments and orchards, and some will also include local play spaces for younger children, together with seating areas for residents.
  • The eastern green corridor will provide a multi-purpose green space with a leisure route linking along the site and into the development areas. It will provide spaces for drainage, nature recovery, new habitats, public access to nature, and recreation areas.
  • You asked us to provide an extension to Cutteslowe Park that is ‘naturalistic’. We propose an area that is predominantly devoted to nature and wildlife, with mown paths for access. More formal elements could include an amphitheatre (cut into the contours at the south-east of the park extension), and some wetland (or semi-wetland) areas with boardwalks.
  • A larger, formal play area with play equipment (and a multi-use games area that is required by policy) could be located adjacent to the housing within the park extension. It would be open to both the new and existing communities in the area.