Masterplan updates
Housing capacity and tenures
- At this stage in the development process, we do not have a detailed design for the scheme. However, we have carried out capacity studies reflecting the development areas set out in the PR6a policy, the emerging parameter plans (covering land use and building heights), and the masterplan. These reflect the national policy requirement set out in the National Planning Policy Framework to make efficient use of land while creating a beautiful place to live as per the guidance in the National Design Guide and the National Model Design Code. We have applied an appropriate housing-mix which includes one-to-five-bedroom properties of varying typologies (apartments, terraced, semi-detached and detached houses). This work has determined the site has capacity for up to 725 homes.
- In line with policy, 50 per cent of these homes will be ‘affordable’ (in accordance with the Council definition), and they will include a variety of different tenures including the potential for first homes, social/affordable rent and shared ownership properties to reflect Cherwell District Council policy requirements.
- The policy also requires we provide a minimum of 45 units of extra care housing. Extra care housing is primarily for older people or those with special needs who live relatively independently, but have access to on-site services providing care, support, domestic, social, community or other services. The capacity work has shown that, in addition to the 725 homes 75 extra care units can be accommodated on site. We are currently proposing that 100 per cent of the extra care units would be 'affordable’ in tenure.
- The outline planning application we submit to Cherwell District Council will refer to an “up to” housing figure. This will be refined at the reserved matters stage when detailed design has been completed.
Our proposals sections
- Introduction
- Our proposals
- The development
- The scheme parameters
- Masterplan
- Character and placemaking
- Responsible ownership & stewardship
- A sustainable development
- Transport
- Sustainable transport improvements
- Green infrastructure
- Site heritage
- Ground conditions and utilities
- Ecology and biodiversity
- Landscape and visual
Submitted Masterplan - May 2023
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Draft building height parameter plan
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Land use and access parameter plan
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Primary school location
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