Masterplan updates
Mix and disposition of uses
- In line with views submitted through engagement with stakeholders and feedback to our initial public consultation we have kept the key uses (local centre, school and park) located in the centre of the site, with the local centre (containing shops, facilities and the community centre) near to the Oxford Road and public footpaths/cycle links providing good walking and cycling access from the sites both sides of the Oxford Road.
- This reflects the clear response from the previous public consultation, and we feel it is the right approach. We have worked hard to refine the plans to ensure the uses can be delivered.
- In relation to the school this has been no easy task, as we need to protect the existing underground barrows in the middle of the site, we did not want to ‘squeeze’ the green infrastructure corridor to the east of the site, and we needed to create a relatively flat site for the school. At the same time, we did not want to create a school site that is too narrow and stifles an innovative school design.
- We agreed a minimum ‘protection zone’ around the barrows with the County Archaeologist, and then worked hard with the district and county councils to agree the school arrangement in principle. This is shown in the school plan and the illustrative masterplan.
- We are pleased to report that this arrangement, in our view, optimises the location of the school and local centre in accordance with your responses to our earlier consultation. It is a design that:
- Benefits from proximity to the local centre, and green spaces around the barrows;
- Allows parents to meet at the local centre or use facilities after they have walked children to school;
- Allows children to play in the park adjacent to the school and local centre before and after school;
- Works with a ‘school street’ (see here for details);
- Places the school (and local centre) adjacent to off-road walking and cycling routes through the site;
- Delivers flexible access points for the school, ensuring its future adaptability;
- Allows some parking shared with the local centre.
- We are pleased to have reached this position with Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council, to deliver one of the clear outcomes of your previous comments and create a place at the heart of the development that will be a focus for the local community. We would welcome your views on the emerging designs.
- We have agreed with the County Archaeologist offsets to protect the underground remains of the barrows. They will be incorporated into a larger open space that is useable by the community and adjacent to the community / local centre and primary school. We feel this will be a well used space and contribute significantly to the character of the development, akin to a “village green” at the heart of the community.
- We are providing for a wide mix of housing types ranging from 1 bed to 5 bed houses and apartments, with 50 per cent ‘affordable’ housing in accordance with Council policies. The ‘affordable’ housing will be more financially accessible through the various tenures proposed including First Homes, social/affordable housing and shared ownership housing. Provision will also be made for extra care housing. The housing will include terraced, semi-detached and detached typologies. The detail design and appearance of the housing as well as the final mix will be a matter for subsequent reserved matters applications.
Our proposals sections
- Introduction
- Our proposals
- The development
- The scheme parameters
- Masterplan
- Character and placemaking
- Responsible ownership & stewardship
- A sustainable development
- Transport
- Sustainable transport improvements
- Green infrastructure
- Site heritage
- Ground conditions and utilities
- Ecology and biodiversity
- Landscape and visual
Submitted Masterplan - May 2023
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Draft building height parameter plan
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Land use and access parameter plan
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Primary school location
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