Masterplan updates
Building heights
- The Council’s emerging Development Brief for PR6a refers to building heights of three to five storeys along the Oxford Road frontage and two to three storeys elsewhere.
- As can be seen on the draft heights parameter plan, we are predominantly proposing buildings of three to four storeys with the occasional five storey element along the Oxford Road frontage and two to three storey dwellings across the remainder of the site with two to 2.5 storeys along the eastern edge.
- Building height and overall density will decrease from the Oxford Road to the countryside edge.
- Apartments are likely to be located closer to the Oxford Road as can be seen on the illustrative masterplan. Housing will look over the various elements of open space and vary in character across the site.
- The proposals will accommodate an element of extra care housing located close to the local centre so that residents are able to easily walk to local facilities. This could be up to three storeys high.
- We would like to frame the main street through the centre of the site with predominantly three storey buildings. This street would also have formal, regular street trees to form an avenue.
Building Height Parameter Building Height Parameter
Our proposals sections
- Introduction
- Our proposals
- The development
- The scheme parameters
- Masterplan
- Character and placemaking
- Responsible ownership & stewardship
- A sustainable development
- Transport
- Sustainable transport improvements
- Green infrastructure
- Site heritage
- Ground conditions and utilities
- Ecology and biodiversity
- Landscape and visual
Submitted Masterplan - May 2023
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Draft building height parameter plan
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Land use and access parameter plan
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Primary school location
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