Masterplan updates

Summary of masterplan updates

Our illustrative masterplan has evolved following the technical assessments we have conducted and the feedback we have received over the last year.

The plan is based on the Local Plan allocation and proposals map that allocates 48 hectares of land for development with approximately 25 hectares for the construction of dwellings. The changes are mainly refinements to the plan that we consulted on in October 2021 with the main elements remaining consistent.

The refinements include:

  • Illustrative streets and development blocks, showing how higher density blocks (comprising apartments and higher density housing) could be delivered adjacent to Oxford Road, and lower densities (comprising more detached housing) towards the eastern edge. These factor-in parking requirements and an emerging parking strategy.
  • Capacity work, testing block structures and housing typologies with potential heights and densities across the development area, to optimise the delivery of housing types in accordance with policies.
  • Access arrangements including routes through the site for pedestrian and cyclists, with potential links to the wider area (for example, to the development site to the south-west of Water Eaton, Cutteslowe Park and the countryside); and junctions for vehicles accessing the site.
  • Inclusion of ‘mobility hubs’
  • More detail on the areas for the local centre and primary school and the broad green infrastructure strategy.
  • Detailed consideration for the protection of the barrows area (agreed with the county archaeologist) which comprises an area that prohibits below-ground disturbance (such as trees, walls, or buildings). This area and an area surrounding the barrows is proposed as a local green space in conjunction with the local centre and school.
  • Further detail added to our strategies for green space and drainage, ecology and healthy placemaking. These issues are interlinked. We are bringing green spaces into the development area in accordance with the strategy agreed at the Enquiry by Design. We have committed to the Building with Nature accreditation and seeking up to 20 per cent biodiversity net gain.
  • The detail we have added to the green infrastructure strategy links with the strategy for formal and informal play and other public green spaces, identifying where we could deliver allotments / community gardens (including orchards, fruit and nut trees etc), local and neighbourhood play areas, a multi-use games area, and even potential for an outdoor amphitheatre. Although illustrative, the numbers and areas shown for these functions are in excess of policy requirements.
  • Our health strategy is embedded in the strategies for movement and green infrastructure, delivering healthy living with local streets and tracks provided for active travel (by foot or on bicycle), with streets that are not dominated by cars (where residents meet and children can play), and with green spaces for exercise and contemplation. Space will be provided in the community centre in accordance with discussions with the NHS.

Areas for continued development

  • We are discussing the detail of the junctions onto the Oxford Road and how these will work to optimise journeys by bicycle and bus, while ensuring that they are as safe as possible.
  • We are discussing with tree officers, ecologists, cycle and travel experts (among others) what the Oxford Road will look like. Widening the road to accommodate safe cycling for the cycle superhighway and routes / crossings for pedestrians and cyclists is part of this discussion, and the current consultation.
  • The detail of our community / stewardship strategies. These will identify how the community can create, grow and manage the development in perpetuity.
  • The character and ‘identity’ of the development. We will identify potential character areas, and some high level thoughts as to how these might be defined in our outline application, but the detail of the character and detailed design of the proposals will be subject to further work and consultation.

The outline planning application will be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This is in preparation, and we will consult on its findings in a subsequent consultation event in the autumn. The EIA will be based on a set of parameter plans that form the framework for subsequent reserved matters applications, that have to comply with the approved parameters.

We are proposing two parameter plans, the first covering land uses and access and the second, maximum building heights.

The draft masterplan is one example of how the quantum of development and uses that we will be applying for can be accommodated on the site. The final layout at the reserved matters stage can vary in so much as it is consistent with the parameter plans.

In defining the parameter plans and illustrative masterplan we have also had regard to the requirements set out in the emerging Development Brief for PR6a that is being produced by Cherwell District Council and is a requirement of the PR6a policy.

The Development Brief includes various framework plans that have been informed by the technical analysis on the site and planning policy. It also outlines the extent of green space and other community uses, the location of the primary school (which is subject to final technical approval) and the local centre.

The Council consulted on the emerging Development Brief in February/March 2022. The final Brief is due to go to Planning Committee shortly.

When the Development Brief is adopted it will be a material consideration in the determination of any planning application. We will review the final document and set out in the consultation we hold this Autumn how we accord with it or areas of difference and why that is the case.

Submitted Masterplan - May 2023

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Draft building height parameter plan

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Land use and access parameter plan

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Primary school location

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